Data Sharing & GDPR
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new data privacy law that will be introduced in the UK in May 2018 requiring all organisations to identify changes that need to be made to achieve GDPR compliance in their personal data processing activities. The regulation will put you in control of your personal data, allowing you to choose how (and whether) Practices can use your data. The new regulation will still apply to organisations once the UK leaves the EU in 2019.
As a result, we've published a new privacy notice to make it easier for you to find out how the NHS uses and protects your information. For those patients who have signed up for voice and text message alerts, you will be contacted shortly, asking you to confirm your intention of continuing with this service. Please be aware if you do not respond to the request for explicit consent, we will not be able to send you reminders as of the 25th May for any of your appointments. Further information is available below:
GDPR Privacy Notice for Adults
GDPR Privacy Notice for Children
Colwall Surgery GP GDPR Privacy Notice
GDPR Privacy Notice v3.1 September 2023 EMIS Practices GP Connect