Meet The Team
Meet the team
From January 2023 we have welcomed several new members of staff to the team at Colwall Surgery:
Dr Abdurahiman Sahada, MBBS MRCGP (female) started working as a permanent GP from January 2023 having previously been a Locum GP. She works every Monday, Tuesday and Friday
Alice Da Silva Pottes (female) is an Advanced Nurse Practitioner who started in January 2023. Alice works remotely for the surgery each morning Monday to Friday. Alice is able to prescribe and she works alongside the GPs assisting with the Urgent Triage calls on the day as well as providing support for patients residing in the local Care Homes.
Amy Nicholson (female) is a Pharmacist who started in January 2023 and she works at the surgery on a Tuesday. GP Pharmacists can provide advice on medication queries, reviews and provide help to manage long-term conditions. Amy is available for both telephone calls and face to face appointments.
Along with the new members of the team we would like to take this opportunity to provide details of the other members of staff at the surgery and their roles
Dr Sarah Newey, MRCGP MBCHB (female), is the senior partner and she works on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Dr Claire Hollingsworth (female), is our Wednesday GP
We are also a GP and Nurse training practice and currently we have Dr Bryn Thomas (male) with us training to be a GP. The trainee GPs are fully qualified doctors but are at various stages of their training. Dr Thomas has chosen to be a General Practitioner and is in his second year of training for this. All our trainee GPs are supervised by Dr Newey, Dr Sahada and Dr Hollingsworth.
Remote GPs—we also have availability with remote GPs who although they are not working at the practice, they do have access to your medical records. The remote GPs work closely with the GPs at the practice and if having spoken to one of them you need a face to face follow up this would be booked at Colwall Surgery. Remote appointments are available a various times throughout the week but Friday is the main morning that we have the highest availability. If you have an issue which you feel can be dealt with over the telephone then please contact the surgery and we will arrange an appointment for you.
GP Pharmacists– we do also have two other GP Pharmacists who work remotely for us on Wednesdays and Fridays. If you would like to discuss your medication or have a review please contact the surgery and we will arrange an appointment for you. Amy Nicholson works at the surgery on Tuesdays and Fridays and is available for phone and face to face consultations, Bola Afariogun (female) works for us remotely on a Wednesday and Friday.
Alayne Child (female) is our Social Prescriber and she works at the surgery on a Tuesday afternoon. The role of a Social Prescriber is to link people into community support to help them improve their quality of life. If you feel you would benefit from this service please speak to either the Health Care Assistant, Nurse or one of the GP’s and they will refer you.
Susi Gilson (female) is our Health and Wellbeing Coach and she works at the surgery on a Monday afternoon. The role of the Health and Wellbeing Coach is to help people take an active role in looking after their own health and wellbeing. They support patients with long term conditions such as respiratory, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, stress/low mood as well as patients who would like weight management, diet and increasing activity levels. If you feel you would benefit from this service please speak to either the Health Care Assistant, Nurse or one of the GP’s and they will refer you.
Physiotherapists - we have two Physiotherapists available for our patients. On a Wednesday afternoon we have Jennifer Taylor (female) who is an experienced Physiotherapist who works remotely will telephone patients to provide assessments and advice for new conditions such as back or knee pain. On a Friday morning we have Jason Jones (male) who is one of the Physiotherapists from Ledbury working at the surgery. Patients can book in for a telephone call or face to face appointment for an assessment.
Nurses - Kimberly Hawkins –dressings, bloods, injections, ecg’s etc.
Mollie Mabey (female) is our Health Care Assistant and she sees patients to take blood, blood pressures, ECG’s & Health Checks.