
Urgent advice: Primary Care Joint Action

All practices in Herefordshire have agreed to participate in joint action with the British Medical Association.  This is NOT about pay but about General Practice receiving the amount of funding needed to employ enough doctors, nurses and other staff to provide sufficient appointments and for our staff to work safely.  This joint action across the country is aiming for the government to look at General Practice and reconsider the amount of funding it receives.  This is not industrial action, we are not on strike.

The BMA recommend a safe working for General Practice to be 25 patient contacts per day per clinician and once at capacity to divert patients to local urgent care.

We are working very hard to ensure as little disruption to our service as possible but on occasion we may reach capacity and patients will be asked to call 111.  

The decision to take action has not been taken lightly. All practices in Herefordshire met and discussed options at length.

Sick children, vulnerable or palliative patients will not be turned away as patient safety is still our priority.

In the meantime please continue to use our service as normal and rest assured that patient care is still our priority.

We thank you for your understanding, we are hopeful that the issues can be resolved quickly.

Non-urgent advice: NHS App

From 4th October 2023 patients can access their medical records online via the NHS app including test results, consultations etc.

Contact your doctor online for non-urgent matters and avoid phone queues!

How does the service work?

  • Complete a simple form about your problem or request
  • Your GPs decide on the best treatment for you
  • The practice responds with advice or an appointment
  • This will be reviewed by a member of the team during core working hours and will be actioned as appropriate, generally within 2 working days

Please submit a new request using NHS Contact us online.


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